
  • Account

    2.1. You are expected to keep your passwords safe and unknown to everyone but you.

    2.2. You may only have a single account. Any attempt to create multiple accounts will result in a permanent suspension.

    2.3. Your password will be sent via email and we recommend to write it down and delete that email.

    2.4. Logging in via VPN/Proxy/TOR is strictly forbidden and will result into account suspension.

    2.5. trafficbz accounts are non transferable. Any attempt to transfer your account to another person will end in suspension.

    2.6. We reserve the right to access your account at any time and for any reason.

    2.7. After 60 days of inactivity your account will be deleted, but not, if you are upgraded

  • Referrals

    3.1. You may refer as many people as your membership allows.

    3.2. Any spamming on trafficbzor other websites will result in account suspension and deletion.

    3.3. You may earn through your direct referrals as well as rented referrals.

    3.4. You can only rent referrals when they are available, otherwise you must join the queue.

    3.5. Referrals are rented for 30 or 60 days, unless you choose to keep them they will be removed once this period is up.(no extra fees)

    3.6. You may use referral recycling, and rental time extending as you see fit.

  • Upgrading

    4.1. Different membership types affect the prices of referral renting and maintenance.

    4.2. Different membership types allow members to earn different amounts from their referrals.

    4.3. Once a membership expires, you must renew it to keep the benefits.

  • Cheater Policy

    5.1. Any attempt to use automated software, multiple accounts, or any other method deemed cheating by trafficbz will end in account suspension.

    5.2. We reserve the right to suspend and delete any accounts found to be cheating or attempting to cheat.

    5.3. Any user who is found exploiting a bug will be suspended indefinitely.

    5.4. Cheating is defined as using any method to earn from trafficbz that was not intended.

  • Payments to users

    6.1. Payments are processed manually or instantly, check the waiting days in the table below.

    6.2. We will only send payments to Bitcoin Perfect Money and Payeer

    6.3. The minimum amount paid is $5 USD (or equivalent). From the amount paid, a fee can be deducted depending on the payment processor you use.

    6.4. The amount of days between cashouts varies depending on your membership type.

    6.5. Your payment account must be verified otherwise your payment request will be canceled and your account suspended.

    6.6. Payment will be sent to the email address used to login.

    6.7. Users suspected of cheating will need to be a


    7.1. We do not accept and websites with illegal content(such as Warez, Pornography, Drugs).

    7.2. We do not accept websites that break our ad viewing frame.

    7.3. Users can view advertisements every 24 hours. Advertisements reset at 00:00 server time.

    7.4. We will fulfill all advertising purchases.

    udited before they can cashout.

    • Account Suspension

      9.1. We reserve the right to suspend and delete any accounts which we deem to be cheating or exploiting trafficbz

      9.2. Account suspension is not final, you may dispute it.

      9.3. Do not ask us to delete your account! Just become inactive for 10 days and your account is deleted automatically.

    • Liability

      10.1. We will not be liable for any events that we cannot control.

      10.2. We can edit our website and Terms of Service at anytime and for any reason.

      10.3. We do not guarantee you will profit from trafficbz, nor that you will not make any losses.

      10.4. Any problems caused by our hosting, payment processors, ISP, or any third parties are not our fault.

Privacy and Cookie Policy

  • Cookies

    1.1 Your browser must accept cookies so we can store information.

    1.2 Cookies will only be used to store your preferences and
    account sessions tokens(you must accept cookies to be able to login).

  • User Emails

    2.1. We will not sell or trade your information.

    2.2. We may use your email to contact you at any time.

    2.3. We will use your payment accounts to pay you.

  • User Password

    3.1. Your password is saved safely in our database through a "military class" algorithm.

    3.2. Your password will be stored in an irreversible format.

    3.3. Your password will never be shown, sold or given.

  • Username

    4.1. Your username will be shown, and may be shown by us at anytime.

    4.2. Your username will show in the chat and forum.

  • Advertisements

    5.1. We try to avoid offensive ads. If one is displayed, please report it in order to be removed.

    5.2. If you click an ad, you are expected to view it.

    5.3. You must obey the rules of websites you visit while using our service.

  • External Services

    6.1. All PayPal transactions are subject to the PayPal Privacy Policy.

    6.2. Transactions regarding all other payment processors are subject to their respective Privacy Policy

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